What Lies United


What Lies United
[All images courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)]


Good morning, that best way.

Just a little rain cloud.

Outside and a little rain, small drops on the porch landing where the outdoor chair taken on hikes and picnics, is my choice of places to put this down.

It's always nice to write outside.


The backyard begins to take shape.

I'm freewriting it.

Taking what's best that day from days before and placing those things in places to make stories.

Every plant has a name.

Every leaf a long-told story from farmers and gardeners the world over.

Who, of course, know a lot about the rain.

Definitely how much and where and what place has to do with the rate of growth and what grows and where.

The idea isn't a floor full of grass.

It's health.

It's picture, it's composition of what compost can do.

It's a canvas and not a prison.

Like where I'm at right now.

Jumbled middle class America clueless to the rest of the world.

Stuck in pre-Nam-ian ways of life.

Like hippies, hashish, denial of the recognition of sacrifice for country and the ways of a free life, never happened.

Like paying the bills and what was left over after that were the only two choices one had to spend their time on.

That way says, there's a chance at Heaven if I only make it through every month with a positive balance in the bank account.

Lies lived for never produce happiness.

Sacrifice forgot is, perhaps, the biggest of tragedies.

To give one's life so others can have some positive chance at a good one, and have that act overlooked, is the greatest shame.

The lies created to enlist those to sacrifice their lives are indicative of the culmination of the greatest sins.

Greed as a means of rule destroys the best of lives.

To have faith in our leaders to protect our values, and have those values overlooked, and our lives used as tools to protect those lies, is unforgivable.

To stand behind the words: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness and use personal greed as a means to support them is for lack of a better word: disgusting.

To tool men and women around to commit acts the political player wouldn't themselves do, for their own sense of false power and gain is unforgivable.

And, for too long, our way of business.

A house united in lies cannot stand.

It ends now, or We do.

S.J. Wynn
+he Ghos+