Clearly, Concisely, Adverbially


Good morning that wonderous wonderful way, olé!

A few this morning.

One of those days where I say I'll write a few words then write many and many more.

It's just easy, to write.

And that's the idea.

A great joy to end the distractions of modern-day life.

To streamline a thing.

To make it work well.

To do what it's intended to do clearly, concisely, adverbially.

It's no lie about the misuse of the adverb.

But every new word is an adverb.

If, as it's said, all things are a constant flux of particles and protons, then every new word describes an old verb in a new way.

If as we say each word is a dance, then each new dance step is a motion to add new expression to a motion. Also known as: an adverb.

It's all technicalities.

It's all writing for the sake of writing.

Which is the only reason to do anything, for the sake of doing it.

The pleasure of making.

The cry to create is great in all of us.

Some would say it's our point and purpose to make new things.

Some would say we can't help but create all day long.

In fact, I agree with that.

Each moment we create a new moment.

Each day is a symphony, sour or sweet, of strung together emotions to words and deeds to doing deeds done, molded minutes of creation for Creation.

Gracias, Frida. Olé!

S.J. Wynn
+he Ghos+