On Honor


On Honor
Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)


Good morning always that great place.

And hello again nurse!

Looking out over the way of things it's like this...

The body heals.

It's true and so do you.

We go forward and that's it.

It's up to you to decide what that means.

How's forward look?

What's a next step to your dance?

How do you know?

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)


It's trust.

One of those words we, together, ought to define.

It starts with your life.

Then go to the source.

You must consider the source.

What is the conversation?

What is the relationship?

How's the sincerity of the thing?

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

The world can't lie, only people can.

So, what is the nature of truth for people?

It's a sincerity to the relationship at hand.

There's back-stabbing.

What's that?

It's about relationships.

It's a common goal with no regard for the other's well-being.

It's an understanding that you're both necessary for a successful outcome, but the end goal of that team effort is more important than the importance of the well-being of the other's life.

A venture in self-importance.

A breach of trust is stupidity at the highest degree.

We can only be as successful as the pieces in our environment.

Stab your partner, you stab yourself.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

There is no greater object of importance than the relationship of another person involved in the same task.

If the environment is negatively affected, the breaker of trust, hurts their own environment, and therefore themselves.

All for a quick fix of what they call winning.

But it's a loss.

A major one at that.

A cheating of the whole environment's well-being in one act of greed.

Trust is the foundation to any hope for a lasting success.

We drive, we have to trust the oncoming traffic not to swerve, not to cross the double yellow.

It's the same with all human life.

We must trust each other to get anywhere.

We share the road of human life together.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

We ought to talk more of honor, we have no understanding of it as a culture.

We do the right thing according to our constitution.

To be honorable is to hold your head up knowing you're doing the best you can, treating your environment, people and all pieces, the best you can in the way you feel is your best way.

We are doing unto others as we want them to do unto us.

How well we follow our own understanding of the golden rule determines how honorable we are.

Honor is the opposite of cheating, and cheating is the purveyor of a breach of trust.

A room full of honorable people is a room set to win.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

Life aids life.

What persists together: persists.

We share the space based on the truth of our heart's recognition that there is a moral nature to the universe.

And should we choose to dedicate our lives to following it, for standing up for no less than its successful installation, we cannot help but to succeed in all relationships.

So long as the other party is honorable, there is no way to fail.

Honor shared is a victory ensured.

It means that the ends don't ever justify the means.

Because the ends are an accumulation of the means.

One rotten ingredient spoils the whole meal, regardless of how good it tastes.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

+he Ghos+

S. Wynn

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