For All the Sacrifice?


For All the Sacrifice?
[All images courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)]


My Muse,

What to do next?

The same thing I've been doing.

I've been doing the same thing, walking a path allotted with impossible things, nightmares in on old, shared nightmare.

I think of you to get me through.

But are you a light or a reality?

Is reality only what the light does at the particular moment of viewing or something we're all doing?


Is what's real nothing more than the shared experience making the shared experience of us?

And what's philosophy or theology have to do with me?

What's a close relationship with Heaven, God Himself, have to do with a good life?

Isn't God 'just here?'

All the time?

Doesn't it go without saying that God is with you if you recognize God?

What's the difference between Kings and men?
Is it something physical?
Something scientific?
Something magical?
Something, the only thing,
The only way anything works?

To discover how to live a dream that can only be done by solving how to practically install The Divine into day-to-day life.

In other words: What I've been up to.

What have these past few years been worth?

Is it selfish of me to want you for all the sacrifice?

What's been put in my path though, just to get these words to you, was the conquering of a nightmare, the longtime plague of humanity.

I won.

The result of which left me with new ways to do things.

I acclimate to them.

At least, I believe I do.

There's no need for belief, only an admittance of their actuality, then the task of learning how best to apply them.

My life has been a struggle with impossible things.

I won the struggle.

I don't know if God wants a different life for me, or just more.

I still only step towards that one dream I've headed towards for three decades.

Still follow the steps to that light.

It's a simple dream, too simple in understanding and manifestation for a cartoon character or history book version of a king.

Still, what I want, though.

Fanfare and lording over people never worked out so well.

Better that a king lives by example than impose rules and regulations on people.

It is the rule and way of kings to be in charge.

To lead. To establish law and order.

The best way, I can see to do that is by example.

Through a conveyance of words to bolster and keep alive the recognition of the necessity of Faith in day-to-day life.

Which is what I was doing before Hell showed up.

I pushed through it.

Wiped it from the dream of Us.

I, sanely, know it.

I work to make it, or at least let it be, not a burden to my desire for a good life.

I lost my whole chance at a good life protecting what Faith believes in.

I removed the pest from the dreams that get in way of our dreams.

I wait, I heal, I go forward in the spirit of what winning impossible dreams can do, in quiet sanity, sad as I watch more days of a most definite good life, wash away.

I know I get there; I hope I am young enough to fully enjoy at least some of them.

That's where I am now, frustrated in a seeming fruitless victory for The King that threw the Devil out of Our House.


With Love, In Love, as always,
Your King

+he Ghos+

S.J. Wynn