Autumn's Colorful Dividends


Good morning the wonderful way.

September arrived.

It's a switch. And not just a monthly one, August to September. The seasons pass their baton and for Autumn, it's game on.

Color's dying tribute to Spring and Summer, a showy thank you card from the season.

Usual things, this morning.

Abe yawns, burps, does any dog ever eat slow?

He was broken and traumatized when he arrived from Texas. Only ate the first time for starvation's sake.

It was a couple of days before I could get him to eat anything at all.

I wrote about it. I'll find the entry and place it on the blog. It involved me sitting in his dog bed with him, with his bowl of food, before he'd finally eat.

Don't be taken by your dog's quick eating habit. A dog, any animal really, eats because they want to live. They want to keep going.

If your cat or dog is voracious, and you feed them regularly, it means they're glad to be alive.

So, good job.

We don't have to inhale our dinner, but we ought to take a hint from our animals and enjoy our meals. Enjoy our lives.

How many of us want to keep living? How many of us even consider it?

Once a day we all ought to take a moment and see if we want to. If the answer is no, the first order of business, is to devise a plan to get us to want to live.

There are plenty of other ways to live your life other than the one you're living.

The reasoning that the task will be difficult, a task at all, is a false one.

If the idea is an enjoyment of life, then the work to begin the work of your good life, is a joy, is part of the enjoyable work.

We can, all enjoy life, therefore we all should.

Circumstances at present may be awful, but the path to remove that awful is always there if you're brave enough, with enough imagination enough to see it, to make it.

It involves dreaming of better surroundings, better choices to make each day, better company to keep.

One better at a time.

Start with yourself. You're far more interesting a friend when you're working your own chosen work.

Financial, or otherwise, there's no other way to achieve wealth. What's the point to have expensive things around if you don't enjoy your days? If something is always missing it doesn't matter how much money you have, you're poor.

Wealth needs a new definition in our Country. Billionaires are just as miserable as backstreet hobos; the hobos are usually happier with their appreciation.

A too financially rich man doesn't give a damn about money, he only cares about conquest. For him, life is a game of winning small and large scenarios of number puzzles, people are Social Security numbers to him, not souls.

He will always be miserable until he stops his games. His life is full of puzzles for pleasure.

Better off sitting in front of a monitor every day with a group of friends playing any video game together, any season of the year.

+he Ghos+

S.J. Wynn