Because Neither One Exists

The Problem.

Because Neither One Exists
[All images courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)]

Black and White goes on. And it will. Long after this movement is over.

Because neither one exists.

There's a Black Box. There's a White Box. Both are filled with so many social issues. When we clump them all together, they don't get addressed.

Racism is a matter of color blindness, not of pointing fingers. but of not seeing one another.

The biggest problem with America today, is the same it was at our inception, an ever-present rift that threatens to destroy us.

I see the issue happening in all the headlines.

We don't talk about the symptoms stuffed into single boxes.
We take a whole stack of evil and go at it all at once.

But, because the mountain is so high, and we are so close, we cannot see the pieces, and so try to push down the whole mountain.

The Problem with America has always been the same.

There is too much Black, there is too much White; and there is not enough Color.

Wrote that in a poem; perhaps you’ve read it. The 51st State

Piece by piece we pull apart the box marked Black, and we set about healing.

Poverty we can tackle.
Discrimination we can overcome.
Criminal Profiling we can fight.

Black and White have nothing to swing at.

There is no healing Black.
There is no healing White.

Because they do not exist.

This is not a negation of History, but a respect of.

A great war was waged.
But the labels remained.

A Great Dream was had.
But the labels, still, remained.

A new movement started to matter.
But the labels still remain.

And, as a result, so does racism.

A fight will never be won if, by winning, we cling to that which we fought so hard to destroy.

Skin tone ought to be celebrated.

We complement one another on the color of our eyes, why not our skin?

Because I am ivory, and rouge, and my eyes are sky blue, this short essay will be shunned by a lot of people.

A fact of which should break our hearts.

Because it proves the words true.
