As Much

A quick response to a race hate crime I posted back in 2021.

As Much
[All images courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)]

Those awful images cause no one more emotional grief and pain than those We charge to protect and serve our peace.

The nightly news on crime hurts no one more than the person in the blue uniform.

Again, We need to serve them better so they can serve us better.

The laws tell them the job to do.

We make the laws.

The officers do their job and do it well.

So why does the news look the way it does?

Find a mirror. Change the law.

Ready the sweeping generalization!

I do have other pieces I write on The Power of Color.

Extensive. Epic proportions. So, I will make a quick say here and not ask for forgiveness for my brevity. Just a thought to spark a civic duty train.

We change policy. Easy enough.

Here: Blue Lives Matter. Of course, they do.

What's the problem?

They do the job We tell them to do.

And do it well.

When We change the policies, we change the laws enforced and the news doesn’t look the way it does.

Blue Lives Matter is about policies and the policies that place those policies.

Have a townhall meeting and start the ball rolling.

One vote at a time.

Black Lives Matter, We know this.

We have this in our hearts.

Dear God, We better.

Putting it in action though, requires policy change.

Policy in all forms of society, not just the laws those in Blue enforce.

The whole of the whole.

Blue Lives Matter falls under the umbrella of Black Lives Matter. Period. End of story. Let’s stick together.

Black and Blue Lives Matter?

Let’s cut that out.

We change policies.

Why do We need a movement?

Just get excited about townhalls and go!

Here's a benign example of a townhall meeting.

The school playground needs to be paved. 12 sprained ankles last year from all the potholes.

2 Scenarios the Same:

  1. I stand up at the said meeting with my skin light enough to be called White and propose action on it.
  2. In the spirit of exactness, (of course), in the same exact meeting, I am replaced by a nice gentleman by the name of Denzel. His skin is dark enough to be called Black.

We share the same resume. The same everything but the tint, tone, and shade of our skin (both charismatic, too, I might add).

Who’s gets the lot paved sooner?

Feel it. Don’t think about it or explain.

Yeah. Black Lives Matter. Of course, they do.

Then how come they don’t, as much.

That’s the movement. Awareness of that. ^

We change policies, one at a time, to heal that.

We spit on that; We call that racism.

S.J. Wynn

S.J. Wynn