Choppy Listy Sentences
Good morning the wonderful way.
Why not another adjective? Wonderful works is why. A sweeping generalization of things to come.
"There's nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Something like that from The Bard.
We could talk about morality this morning. There's enough of that lately.
What else then? There's the work. What I've been working on, as of late.
Then there's spoilers; then there's nope.
Then there's fiction and dragons and magic and epics, trilogies and more.
Then there's America's lack of an Epic.
Then there's me.
Then there's poets writing fiction.
Then there's epics again.
Then there's me.
Then, here comes spoiler alerts again.
Then there's inference.
Then there's the next paragraph.
Morning still. Hints at Autumn still. Choppy listy sentences still.
A blue jay on the mainstage of a New England morning again. The other birds barely audible backup singers.
Someone ought to tell him Vegas is Southwest and more his style.
Wonder what the birds eat in Southwestern deserts?
Wonderful also works should we make it two words and add an 'L.'.
Adios choppy sentences. My mind is on fiction. I'll go there now and ask your forgiveness for nothing profound this morning, and make sure I leave you with some better than usual, (they're pretty good usually, huh? humbly, so), question raising pictures.
+he Ghos+
S. Wynn