Chores, Activities, Thoughts


Chores, Activities, Thoughts
Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)


Good morning that wonderful way.

Double eights! Magic and what makes magic.
Words, you know, spells and doing spells.

Words have always been the only magic.
Every witch her spell, every wizard his scroll.

Don't forget about prayer.
Prayers are a kind of magic,

Outside this morning.

On the deck over the place
Abe goes to lie down each day.

A little alcove
Under the sunroom.

"Under the Boardwalk," plays while I sit here.
Well, in the soundtrack of my life, at least.

About forty degrees less than just under a week ago.

Practical people in the Northeast.
We dress in layers to survive the weather.

"If you don't like the weather,"
The old New England adage goes,
"Just wait a minute."

Wonder how long before Abe springs from under the boardwalk?

Squirrel, the other side of the fence.
Abe lifts an eyebrow at it.

The squirrel's learned his lesson,
Takes a look, 'Yep, Abe's there,'
And runs away.

But a flock of sparrows mines the yard for whatever sparrows mine.

They aerate the earth and get the grubs.
They help, so Abe, usually doesn't mind.

He just chased them away.
They were taking more than giving,

The scenery of our lives shapes our lives.

Where we are
When we work matters.

The words around us
Define the world around us.

Our world is only as vast
As our understanding of the words
We use to define it.

Morning, a cool summer one, those are best.

If you want to know the real weather in the summertime,
Check the night's temperature, summer days deceive.

The summer sun lasts all night.
The earth holds heat heated too long.

Summer's hot march, sings Summer's song all night,
Sounds out all of Spring's hard work,
With languid days of steady swelters of light.

See, it's a morning report on the scenery out here and not the wall inside.

Still, I see chores, activities... thoughts.
The mowing, the raking, the tilling, picking up after Abe-ing.

Where we are matters because we have to be
Where the experience is a possibility to have the experience.
So, be always aware of where you are.

You dream of a snowy Christmas Morning.

But Santa is almost definitely going to let you down
If you fall asleep in a tropical paradise on Christmas Eve.

Make your decisions after you've chosen the best place to do so.
At least be aware of where you stand, before you stand up
To do anything at all.

+he Ghos+

S. Wynn