Crazy Would Be Easy


Crazy Would Be Easy
[All images courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)]


Good morning, that wonderful way.

Over to handwriting, a change of pace to reset yesterday's entry.

I keep the struggle off my mind as much as possible and focus on the work.

But words require readers. An audience ought to know its author.

Another point on waiting so long is the question of crazy.

Years of neglect and blocking my work are easy evidence I'm not.

Depression follows artists. I've got the diagnosis and a clean bill of health otherwise.

Crazy would be easy. A nice hospital bed, friendly nurses with some good meds and puzzles!

I picture psych wards having puzzles. Perhaps putting them together helps folks make sense of their lives.

Perhaps Murphy two doors down likes to lick each piece, stick it to his forehead, rip it off, then shove it in his mouth.

"Those Commie Bastards will never finish it now!"
- Mumbling Murphy, Two Doors Down chomping on an edge piece.

A life spent battling illness helped me pare it down to necessities. Writing is the only work I find worthwhile.

I could go sell mutual funds, flip real estate, heck flip burgers.

The best use of my time is here making words to share, wherever and whatever the circumstances.

I spent too many years fighting for the chance to live. For me, living my best life means words on a page.

The act is its own reward.

Lack of recognition brings loneliness and proof.

I'm not a young man with idealistic dreams of being a great author. I'm a well-read worldly writer who knows the quality and content of my writing gets attention.

In a publishing world always hungry for a new unique voice, a guy like me is a diamond in the rough.

Worst, and unfortunately most likely scenario, greed gets me noticed.


I figured financial avarice, not power hungry Machiavellian megalomaniacal manipulations would get to me first.

But silence is a shout in my case.

Write the day. That's a rule of mine. The last couple turned to a rhythm of justice.

Sometimes one's personal life has to be the focus. Especially if the work suffers for it.

It's a question of concealment, not of the good nature of people.

If you view a guy who writes love poetry (quite good humbly so) as a threat, then you better check your definition of threat.

Or get out of Our house.

At least keep your mouth shut while the rest of Us evolve.

Time to go back to my sunrises with Abe, content and steadfast in my belief in good people.

Take care, do the right thing, and have your better day.

+he Ghos+

S.J. Wynn

Brought to you by the emoji of the day: 🍵tea