Driving Relationships


Good morning that wonderful, lovely way to start.

There are words and doing them first thing in the morning.

Thinking on contrast this morning.

This-that and what the shadow is to the light.

It's all relationships.
We all grow, or we all fall sooner or later.

Good and bad are aberrations.
They don't exist.

The only thing here are relationships.
How we interact to each other and all things.

People have choice and so we always have a singular choice.

At all times.

What each thing means to us, in fact what we call a thing, is down to us to recognize and then choose our relationship with.

So, it is important to choose what you have in your life, not to have nice things around but so you can have that, for lack of better word, nice relationship.

Not the new car, the relationship with the new car.
What it means to you.
Not the partner, the relationship to the partner.

And it's not one-sided.
To have a relationship, by the very definition means we have to have another entity.

A contrast.

Not opposite, other.

A distinction.

The distinction is the beginning of the relationship, your starting judgement of the thing to have the relationship with is the starting point, the place you begin to build from.

+he Ghos+

S.J. Wynn