

[All images courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)]


Good morning, that wonderful way.

Somewhere someone is reading this.

It's a comfort. Unread words are dead words. A word has to be shared to have any intrinsic value. Otherwise, it's just a mental note. A breadcrumb in the sand.

Dragons and hound dogs and other peoples' problems, been my lot of the past few days.

Mornings are nice, early mornings, the "You get up how early?" early mornings are the nicest because the later isn't an issue. Writing doesn't involve an extra step behind a barricade to keep other's ambitions out.

Writing seems a superfluous task to some. But they forget we don't have any form of civilization without writers. There is no human advancement, there is nothing in our lives other than our most basic needs that doesn't owe its creation to a writer.

An artist made everything in your life. Without words you literally and tangibly have nothing.

So: Important work.


There simply is no experience of life without words to experience it. We're stomachs with arms and legs looking for things to rub up and down against without authors and poets. No iPhone, no cars, no housing, no way to talk to each other to build anything new. No way to communicate what fire can do. No way to evolve.

So, I get a little grumpy when I'm interrupted.

That we forget, or give little credence to what I just wrote, is self-defeating ignorance.

Our language must come first. Lack of recognition of this point leaves us victims to those who recognize it.

We ought to make up our own minds what life means to us. That means knowing where our words, the words we're choosing to use to describe and understand our lives, come from.

The nightly news is poison without recognition of where it comes from.

Mine as well swallow a little turpentine in the morning and wonder why you have a bad day, as to accept the news fed us as a way to interpret the world.

Politicians base their whole careers on this truth. Manipulations of the masses through language is a basic tool of politics.

Best know what words mean to you without anyone else telling you before listening to them. Otherwise, their language is just a show to get you to feel something 'good or bad' so you do what they want you to do.

Government, the act of governing, is a very dull labor. Politics is just crowd provoking to get votes. A circus of language to rile people up, and thus, control them.

Best to go online and see what the Canidate will vote for on policies when they're doing their actual dull job, then to base any choice of vote on anything you see them say on any news program or blurb online.

Billions of dollars every year in speeches and press just to get us to feel pain or pleasure so we'll get in line and check off boxes in a ballot box.

When we don't know what a Canidate will vote for on our behalf, we're the problem not them.

Don't blame the government for not knowing what it means, in a way you can clearly describe, what a Democrat or Republican is. You're to blame.

It's based on what they vote for and how it pertains to how your money is spent.

That's it.

The rest is made from media men out to make money to keep you confused enough, and just a little angry enough, to keep listening.

+he Ghos+

S.J. Wynn