Fire Dancing Freedom’s Fire

Fire Dancing Freedom’s Fire


Singed, while her house
Went up in smoke.
While her neighbors,
-numbed and dutiful-
-drummed the usual-
Clutched their masks
To cough in an elbow.

In this suffocation:

Low never knew Low,
Dark never knew Dark
Hell was a thing that chilled,
While words never knew
Their names.

-So She-

Showed them- told them,
Showed them- and told them,
Showed them- and told them,
Their names.


Good News is Good News!

Light is Light!
Joy is Joy!

Boy! Oh, Boy!

This Soul,
Is: This Soul,
That’s met,
Joy, who is


And the fire burns.
And the fire warms.
And the soul’s name,
Is spoke with Freedom.