Good morning, that wonderful way.
So far, so good.
How about you?
Days still go to nights to days.
Today's tonight promises to be all right, an out of sight delight.
A dark deep morning. The kind I love. The ones that want writing.
Abe's fed.
The world adjusts with letters on a line.
Still here?
Good, it's still here.
The calm and what you came for.
Hope floats.
That saying always got to me.
What does it mean?
Where you floating to Hope?
In what sky?
A hot air balloon?
A bubble blown?
A bloated blowfish in the sea?
A single cloud on a cloudless day?
Perhaps Hope doesn't drown.
Perhaps it means that.
Neither does the body
Of any man, any woman,
Unless Life anchors inside.
It sounded so uplifting there for awhile.
Us living have to choose to swim to the top to keep living.
Treading water made easier holding onto Hope.
Take care, stay afloat, and have your better day.
+he Ghos+
S. Wynn
Brought to you by the emoji of the day: 💭thought_balloon