Footstep Moments
Good morning that wonderful way.
Morning almost here according to The Sun.
It's good to get up just before The Sun.
Helps with the day's affairs.
Not a jumpstart to the day, a slow settling in.
What's the hurry?
Where's the fire?
The supernova in the sky, Wynn.
Good point.
You know it's hurdling for us.
It gets closer every day.
Math talk.
It's best to slow down and enjoy the place.
A strange irony of life that to slow down speeds up our enjoyment of it.
You'd know if you allowed yourself an exhale every now and then.
Didn't take your life so seriously.
There's much better ways to take one's life then seriously.
In good humor, for instance.
A grain of salt, versus the whole Great Salt Sea.
A laugh is worth more than a get it done head down forward march to providence.
A laugh makes the get it done easier in it being more enjoyable.
How can you do a thing and enjoy the process?
That's a question we should always ask ourselves.
"How can I enjoy 'this' and enjoy it?
There's always a way.
Even if the answer is keeping the knowledge that you're doing what you believe is the right thing to best serve your life.
If you don't know how to best serve your life, then the best thing to do is to figure that out before you take another step.
If you've got a do or die attitude, you're wasting your time being redundant.
Death happens whether you do the thing or not, better to enjoy the process.
Do it because it's the best way to serve your life.
Life itself.
If you have to grit your teeth and will yourself to do something it means you secretly believe you won't, or that it's going to fail.
Better to know you succeed as you go and simply do the thing.
If you're not going to stop until the job is done, then it's a simple process of doing it.
The only way to ever lose is to stop.
What you've been fighting with is time.
"If I want it done fast enough, I have to fight for it."
Is really what most are saying.
If a thing is important enough to do time is a secondary aspect, it takes as long as it takes and that's that.
Quantity and speed are where your mind is at and they're both unhealthy focal points.
How we do something matters more than what we do.
The quality of your moments are your moments.
The quantity of your moments is your life.
A life well spent is a moment well spent one at a time.
Not the goal accomplished, the moments spent attaining it.
The journey is the reward, it's said.
That's close.
It's not the path though, it's the footsteps that make life worth living.
Find how you best enjoy each moment and put that first.
What you make, what you accomplish, the finished product will be of great quality because of the attention to detail.
"There's more to life than speeding it up," it was Gandhi who said that.
He was right about so many things.
That being one of them.
Flowers that push too fast for the sky fall quickest; a win quick strategy in chess almost always assures your quick defeat.
Life is a long game for each of us, but only if we take it slow.
The quickest way to speed up your trek to a successful life is to slow it down.
Quick tasks are best done by machines.
The focus of humanity right now, a major one at least, ought to be to get all of our machines to take care of those quick tasks, to solve the struggles of bringing food and housing to all.
Easy jobs for machines to take care of.
We know how to take care of our bodies and build machines and code software.
We also know how to put them together to do amazing things.
So, let's put them together to do amazing things.
World hunger ends if we value our moments, build the machines, and care about each other.
Which is another product of slowing down: compassion comes to the forefront of your life.
Because there's no way to enjoy your moments if another around you is suffering.
Give as much compassion as you can, if it fails to alleviate their pain, and the quality of you own work suffers, move on.
Remove them from your area, from your moments.
Some are set on suffering.
It's how they enjoy life.
Why else would they do it when there are so many other ways to spend our days and we have the ability to choose?
+he Ghos+
S. Wynn