For Now


Good morning, that wonderful way.

The way to keep it.
The way to keep it going.

At some point things change. It's called the tipping point. Or maybe the scales finally balance. There are dreams you work for, and if you're persistent at some point your life starts to mirror their manifestation.

Slow words morning this morning. Slow rhythm. Is it the last song of this nightmarish dance? Pick a partner wallflower time?

Ask the walls; they have ears remember. Sometimes they speak. If you hold onto your sanity and listen, they speak often. Like the trees from a stroll through Tolkien's woods, their language is a slow dirge. A patient ear is the only way to hear their song.

What to write on that's not a similar theme from the recent past? What to say to take a step forward? What's forward?

Perhaps a definition of that.
Perhaps just comfortable key taps.
Perhaps it's the Dark night of the Soul business in the story.
Perhaps it's time to remember what you've learned, remember how to use it, and move on to that final battle.
Perhaps the battle is over, and like a veteran who returns home after a war to a land without a thank you, you sit and wonder what it was all for.

What good is sacrifice if what you sacrificed so much for never returns at least a recognition of your service?

What good is fighting for the truth if people are too busy living their free lives you helped them afford to recognize it?

What good is doing the right thing in a world gone so wrong, so as to give it a chance to set itself right?

Stay brave soldier, step back, live quietly, and watch all their lives improve because you sacrificed so much.

The witness is the thanks. The chance to live in a better world, without a thank you, will have to do.

For now.

+he Ghos+

S.J. Wynn