Fortunate Cookies


She won’t leave.
She won’t ever leave.
People leave every day;
Love, she won’t leave.
Even in leaving,
Love won’t leave.


It ain’t worth much to anyone that matters.
But to anyone that matters, it’s worth so much.


Stuff is not my thing.

A Bawdy Toast to Endurance


There’s Two-Second Todd,
Who had a great bod,
But it ended there don’t you see.

For when he took off his pants,
And she started to dance;
He never could make it to three.

Mettle Work

There’s one.
There’s two.
And there’s
What Love
Will do.

There’s me.
There’s you.
And there’s
What lovers
Will do.

Other Peoples' Problems

Hermit, hermit, hermit crab-
If I were a hermit,
I wouldn’t be such a crab.


What’s your favorite color?

The older I get
The harder that is to answer.

A Fine Mess

If cleanliness is next to Godliness,
Atheism is adjacent to a hot mess.


A. E. I. O. U.
And sometimes rhythm.

Sign If I Can't

A rose by any other name
Would smell as platypus.

Missing Some Letters

“Is that how you spell racism?
It seems too small;
Like it’s missing some letters.”

End of Days

The apocalyptic animosity
Of every age,
We're still talking about
The apocalyptic animosity
Of every age.

+he Ghos+

S.J. Wynn