Hello, Hamilton!


Hello, Hamilton!
[All images courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)]

There’s that story again. The same one we were talking about the other day. Remember?

The one that had you tapping on the glass like it was a tambourine and the jokes you made regarding the weather and drug addicts and homeless people.

Did they know how to swim because the rain was coming down in buckets, so there was nothing to hold-out to fill with handouts?

You laughed over that. Saw it on The News.
Not The News but someone talking about The News after The News.
And didn’t see it. Heard it. On a podcast.

A podcast on political values and how the world is going to shit and how it’s not even safe to drive your car out of the supermarket parking lot without someone in a face mask holding out a bucket made in China for you to throw in a George, or an Abe, or a Hello! Made His Week Hamilton.

Maybe he ought to start a patriotic bucket factory, The Fuck It Make a Buck Make a Bucket Factory.

Assembly line workers in Spangled Red, White, and Blue uniforms. Clean Diesel pumping through the air. Double Minimum wage for all!

Local buckets are twice as much now and that times three. But we all have jobs, mostly. And overpriced buckets with nothing but stuff and junk and extra to put in The Made with Pride Right Here in the USA Empty Containers.

Enough room for a small trash can for the backseat floor. Something to toss your face mask into on your way home from the supermarket.

No longer buckets for uncomfortable stop lights. Buckets are too expensive for a hobo to steal. Besides, a hobo's bucket is not a safe bucket when it’s an expensive one.

Not a long for life hobo that peddles at a stop light full of hungry shoppers looking for somewhere safe to dispose of their disposable masks with a too expensive Made with Pride Right Here in the USA Empty Bucket.

Maybe a straight from the bank drive up I-pay QR SKU NFC scanner for bucket-less street corner hobos.
No one carries loose change these days.

George and Abe and Hello Hamiltons are too dirty and too maybe infected.
Toss them in the can on the backseat floor with the used masks.

Cash is King, after all.

+he Ghos+

S.J. Wynn