Humbly Wonderful Words


Good morning, that wonderful way.

All the way.

A good way to start. Raises some questions. What's all the way? Where are you going? What did I, the reader, walk into? What am I, the reader, getting myself into?

A sea of humbly wonderful words.

Didn't you hear it's a wonderful morning?
Good news every morning with these entries.

Overcast. Cloud cover for a comfortable blanket and not a signal of rain.

Nothing profound kind of day. A steady getting things done kind of day. A favorite kind of mine. The puzzle pieces fall into place kind of day.

I love for a thing to make sense. Don't you? Absurdity is fun, but it ought to be a temporary thing. If there's no normal, there's no absurd, after all.

A good morning. Writers are editors, too, kind of day. Order in the court, order in the prose.

I use commas with wild abandon. Capital letters litter the page. Grammar is a canvas and not a prison.

Reference your text messages for proof.

You're an old friend of mine. We share this story called life. We woke up into it together. We dance it together. We know each other already before we know each other. We have life in common, so we have so much in common. Actually, we quite literally, have everything in common. Life. How we relate to Her is what's interesting about us.

The writer's way is a rare one because we demand more from words.

The linguistic part of life is where we live best. We require willing and thankful readers to feel complete. We sit around pushing pixels on lighted screens, scratching lines on pulp rolled parchment, in some kind of dream state without an audience.

The words have to go somewhere because writing, in fact all art, is an act of generosity. We freely give of ourselves, the best of ourselves, for examination and witness. All in an act designed to enrich another's life.

There's a certain delicate egotism to it, a brave, humble vanity. Our vision of life, how we interact with life through words, music and lines, is worth everything to us.

So, we best be clear about it. After we've been writing for some time, others ask for advice. An odd moment.

You sit, make words, and be absolutely truthful with yourself and where you're writing to. I say where and not who because writing requires a destination.

If there's no 'other' in mind, you're simply writing to yourself.

Why would anyone want to read that? Might as well meet a person in the street and start talking to yourself in their face. Better to address your audience.

This goes for all arts. A singer requires someone they're singing to, or the music is empty somehow.

It's why love letters and love songs tend to be the best. They know where they're going.

Some quotes on writing I enjoy, so we won't feel so alone with it.

"Style is a very simple matter; it is all rhythm. Once you get that, you can't use the wrong words. But on the other hand here am I sitting after half the morning, crammed with ideas, and visions, and so on, and can't dislodge them, for lack of the right rhythm. Now this is very profound, what rhythm is, and goes far deeper than any words. A sight, an emotion, creates this wave in the mind, long before it makes words to fit it."
--> Virginia Woolf
"I see but one rule: to be clear."
--> Stendhal
There are three rules for writing the novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
--> W. Somerset Maugham
Take care and have, at least, a good day.

+he Ghos+

S.J. Wynn