It Doesn't Always Involve Dragons
Good morning, that wonderful way.
A good day. That's what most of us are after. One good day at a time. Otherwise, the increments are too large. A week perhaps. A month. A year. One thing they all have in common: they're made up of days.
We can go macro and say days are made of moments, that's real guru stuff to focus on moments.
I'm no guru, just a poet who thought, and still does, that the world ought to know the ways we think and look at life. That with the advances of AI, and the rise of machines, we ought to remember what we really are. We ought, as I often say, focus on what the phone is made for and not just its longevity and battery life.
Software time humanity!
Imagination takes center stage, finally.
And with that comes the power of language in the spotlight.
Linguistic prompts.
For the win! <– (I don't say that enough on purpose.)
Our tech is only as good as we are at telling it what to do.
What do we do when all those day-to-day chores are taken care of?
What is life worth when our basic needs are taken care of as a rule?
We dream and do dreams.
We institute the power of our words to help improve whatever we decide (with words) quality of life means.
We'll have to have a discussion, daily, on what Beauty means.
Because it will be our one task.
It's not cosmetics.
It's Purpose.
Most human drama comes from the emotional states we manage to make sure our daily needs are met.
Hunger is your primary motivation if you're starving. Warmth if you're without shelter. Money to secure both.
We are on the cusp of a great switch in what it means to wake up each morning.
The Beautiful as something tangible is finally our charge.
The Arts will take the forefront of how we define ourselves.
This reality isn't far away. We have to start talking about it or we're going to feel ourselves scientifically unnecessary.
We'll finally see that what artists struggled with for most of our history, is in fact the purpose to our lives. To make beautiful our surroundings and enjoy them.
This line of thinking isn't pie in the sky stuff. It is necessity if we're to continue as a race.
It's a certain way of thinking, a certain way of recognizing what meaning means for each day.
It doesn't always involve dragons... (probably).
But it always involves a sense of humor and an acceptance that life can be safe enough by default to give us all a place to see our dreams come alive so we can at last share them.
+he Ghos+
S. Wynn