Moral Bytes
Good morning that wonderful way.
Back again.
It's all about soul.
I always liked Emerson's version of it. The Oversoul, he called it. One overarching story of humanity that infects, and so affects, all of us.
We each get a piece of it. Caretakers, if you will.
How we interact with the state of The Oversoul is the story of our lives.
It's in all things. It is the definition of each word.
The part of it that makes decisions as to what to do with it is who we are. The 'deciding' thing. The decision maker.
Psychology might call it something like the Superego, our judge of our relationship with the world.
The Ego would be our judge of our relationship with ourselves.
The Id the drive of our basic needs.
All functions to serve the soul.
We ought to talk more about right and wrong starting with why they're there in the first place.
We have very little shared understanding of morality in our Country. Our response to tragedies, take school shootings for instance, are the result.
Abolishing, eradicating these ought to be one of our first orders of business.
All of us.
We share morality like we share eating and breathing, and, in our current society, we do very little to protect them.
There's the justice system, but that's more about property rights than anything else.
An author's words are intellectual property, for instance, and are protected by every right regarding real estate: Skyscrapers and places of business, for example.
When we view morality as a basic tenant of reality then we take better care of it. We take better care of each other.
And it's not for compassion's sake, not solely.
No, there is something about us that demands it, that's born into it. It makes our stories worthwhile.
We all feel something when the hero wins, we all know what it means for the hero to win regardless of upbringing or culture.
Morality is shared property. It affects our daily quality of life, our ability to have good days are in direct relation to the quality of the state of right and wrong in our neighborhoods and Country.
We enforce it with our behavior. Not a harsh military-type government, a recognition of thanks and good old fashioned helping out.
That love your neighbor as yourself, that Golden Rule, business.
We put that first and the quality of all of our lives increase.
Even your ambitions are made easier to accomplish. They may change as a result to what you find possible with a supportive environment, like a poor kid always hungry, always wanting a secure place to eat, to keep a schedule, to have a firm footing to build their ambitions on; in a morally aware world, never needs to overcome that first step of solving their problem of hunger.
Money is no longer seen as a cure for anything and more about luxury than necessity.
It's more important than ever we awaken a awareness to the importance of morality in our lives. AI will rid the world of the need to service the Id. Food for everyone is easy once we adapt and build our technology to meet the charge.
How we treat each other, based on how we craft our environments, will define the quality and nature of our lives, of what it means to be human.
Or Gnome.
+he Ghos+
S. Wynn