On Dreams

February 02, 2025

Good morning, that wonderful way.

Welcome back. O/

The flight from Dreamland is done, time for The Sun.

A few hours till he shows here.

Hope all is well.

On with the show.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2025)

Faerie tales and dreams and magic always good topics for discussion, good topics to read.

Our dreams are myth and mystic representations of our days. Images of stories we digest matched with our sensible moments.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2025)

What for?

Our bodies are so insistent to be fed, so loud. We put them first.

But what if dreams and what dreaming does, is first? What if what dreams we build while breathing are the point and purpose of Life?

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2025)

The only way to have a dream is by matching metaphors.

The greater our stories and ability to understand and express our time awake would define the quality of our lives.

"You can't take it with you when you're dead." - Common Saying.

And a false one.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2025)

Our dreams come with us.

Life: The process of building our best dreams to take back home.

But only if our dreams are worth Heaven.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2025)

The quality and quantity of our daydreams determines the quality of our light and our place after we die.

Every action we take while awake is first a dream.

Your dream matched with the dreams that came before decide who you are. Not social status, dream status. And so who you are after death.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2025)

So success in Life would become about creating the best environment to dream great stories in peaceful moments alone, and compassionate moments with friends and loved ones.

Building wonderful moments to build wonderful dreams together would be our purpose.

Just some morning thoughts more than likely true.

Take care, build great dreams then build great structures and relationships from them, and have your better day.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2025)

+he Ghos+

S. Wynn

Brought to you by the emoji of the day: 🔑key

Archaic Slab

We're sent here with a piece of Heaven to grow by creating dream spaces for Heavenly spaces for the light of what dreams can make and make do.