Our Classified Hush


Good morning that wonderful place.

How's it with you?

There are sentences you'll edit because you have readers.
There are screen shotted journals.
There's Yeats saying, "There's more enterprise in walking naked."

There's walking naked.

What to say?

Been a long trip wrestling a dream.

I'm kind.
It was a nightmare.

But there are other things to talk about.

"A wound won't heal," the old adage goes, "if you don't stop touching it."

The nightmare is over, that horse is run and done.

Time to move on.

A strange world that keeps someone like me in the dark.
The words are kind, always blatant, and bold, at times in their honesty.

I say things most of us think, just left unsaid.
New ways of looking at things.

Like putting science into racism.
Like making cultures about people one at a time.

The culture of the self.
That's a college course name.

When you write things like, "No two snowflakes, or colors of human skin, are ever exactly the same," and no one gets back to you.
Something is up.
And I'm not just talking about Heaven.

I haven't addressed the exile directly because it was best for the fight that I didn't know.

'The only way to beat the devil,' I said it before, 'is to ignore him.'

If he doesn't matter, he doesn't matter.

So, don't let him matter.

So, I keep working.

There are more good people in the world than not.

Stand your ground and count on the good people of the world to get together and do the just thing.

I write about the Transcendentalists.
Thoreau was one, Civil Disobedience.

And old joke has Emerson visiting Hank in jail while he was protesting the Mexican War.

Waldo asks Thoreau, "What are you doing in there?"
Thoreau answers, "What are you doing out there?"

Then there's Gandhi who convinced his whole country to stand still and count on the humanity of his enemy to come forward and surrender.

My life, in our free country, was attempted to be taken from me.

But, when a good day for you is to sit in peace and write, all that was stolen were props and money.

The basics of food and shelter were 'allowed' because the devil didn't want to make a scene.

Fine by me.
All I require, and want, is a peaceful place to work.

So, thank you deplorable people, for providing that for me.

I got a lot done.

I'd say human interaction was missing, but snowflakes for skin returns silence as a shout.

Love, social activism, and a few complaints about how the government is run.

Sounds like an everyday good American to me.

It was the reaction.

It was one voice to get behind and say, "Yes, he's saying it right, he's saying it in a way we can talk about and get enough meaning into to make some progress."

It garnered a big audience, in a time when the cameras were supposed to only be on one show.

I was stealing the stomping giant's thunder.
Putting the camera somewhere else.
On a different kind of spectacle.

A quiet one.
One that didn't have a way to be manipulated.

Defamation and cover up were the only ways, it was thought by the graft, to put an end to it.

Once the words are out the taking of my life would only martyr me.
That steals more than the thunder, it takes the whole storm.

I kept in the view of cameras, always.
Kept my mouth shut and my words on.

A comfortable life, for me.

I'd love to have a dialogue with people regarding what I talk about.

I was.

Silence, again, for some things is a bugle wakeup call in your ear.

What to do about it?

Sit back, do my work, and let justice follow its course.

Just because I was never granted due process, doesn't me the institution of justice stops.

It means it gets louder.

Like I said, there are too many good people in the world for the way I've been treated to go overlooked for too long.

Because, what's been done to me, can be done to you.

If you don't do anything about it, you agree with it.

Should one of your family members disappear, blame it on the government and say thank you for protecting your well-being.

"What did he do?"

"He wrote in his private journal.
People took screenshots."

"Did he ever publish it?"




Follow it from there and talk about it.

That is, if you're allowed to talk to anyone.
You might inconvenience our government.
Have your rights stripped.
And never have the cowards tell you to your face.

"Why didn't he say something?"

He did.
A classified hush heard round the world.

S.J. Wynn
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