Pressing Matters
Good morning, that wonderful way.
Onto practical matters.
Elections arrive.
Remember the actual act of governing is quite dull.
It requires a steadfast caring person to do it best. Someone with your best interests in mind, and someone true to their word.
I urge you to shut the spectacles off, look at a dull list of societal issues, see what each candidate believes is the right course of action on each, and vote accordingly.
If you think you know without doing this, you don't.
What you know is what someone else is telling you.
Usually, someone getting paid to.
It's why so often money wins elections. We refuse to think for ourselves and let money rule our better sense. So it translates that way in our day to day lives.
Those who represent you and your family's values best should always be who you vote for.
You wouldn't like a radio jockey or television announcer shouting at you how to raise your kids. Why let them tell you what you value? Why let the person in the room who makes the biggest spectacle run you and your family's lives?
Especially when they're paid to do so.
We say we don't trust our government, but how do we know?
Without knowing what they stand for, how can we say they didn't keep their word if we never heard them say it?
"They didn't do what the media said they would."
So you don't trust the media, not the government.
Whatever needs to be said, or done, to keep you watching and listening is the only concern of the media.
Flash sells not honesty.
If you can't shut the television or radio shock personalities off, you are the problem. You are the reason nothing improves.
We feel like it doesn't matter who we vote for because for so long we've voted for the same candidate.
The Press.
Please read the issues from an impartial source and vote accordingly.
Shut off the AM radio, the Network News, enjoy your job, play with your kids, take care and have your better day.
+he Ghos+
S. Wynn
Brought to you by the emoji of the day: 🗳️ballot_box_with_ballot