
Being too empty, being too full of love, for something too far away.

[All images courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)]

Heavy sometime during the night. The puddles are ponds.
The energy is low and warm like snow is pregnant.
Snow is bound waiting for tomorrow. Rain is right now.
Pay attention: the rain demands attention right now.

I would like to have a day of sun be treated like a day of rain.
Landscapers and Laborers will see a day of rain and take the day off.
Dreamers and Lovers should see a day of sun and take the day off.
Not much dreaming or right kind of loving can be done on a sun-filled day.

We forget the beach on a rainy day;
But the beach loves a rainy day.

Someone to share a day of rain with.
Someone who is not: ‘not going out today.’
Someone regarding the rain shush the shock
And shake swagger of the sunshine days.

Someday a man has to face the prayer in his heart.


Never a sunny day
Always never sunshine,
Even on a sunny day

A Sunshine- My dream.


My sunshine.
Even on a sunshine day.

Where is my rain
My sunshine
Rain rainy

Today when the world is at bay

I can say what I say in a way


I can

all day

and say

what                          I say

                                            in this way

in the

                     rain,   in the 

rain, in this rain

all day
we can

play we can say


My Sunshine,
My Saudade, (Sao-dhaj-eh’)
My Rain

We would do
Do nothing at all

We would do
Do alone together

We would do
Do Sunshine.

Do Rain.

If ever I do find you,

My Sunshine
My Saudade
My Rain.

+he Ghos+

S.J. Wynn