Sunrise Shoppers


Sunrise Shoppers
Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)


Good morning, that wonderful way.

How now brown cow?

How it be yellow bee?

How's it going something that rhymes with going?

The events of the day go this way: Good, good, good, the way they should.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

Big shopping day, USA. So not much new.

Stingy people are out in droves. That's the extra shopper wave today.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

Commercialism and money are amoral. They're what we make of them.

"Nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
The Bard said.

Money is a whole lot of nothing made something.

Only blips on screens if we don't agree it's worth anything.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

How are you? Shopping cart full?

Good. Enjoy it.

Low light lavender sky, blue bustling in.
Left over landed leaves look up for snow.
Sunrise shoppers shout success!

Alliteration litters the Nation!

Like, literally!

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

Take care spend well, say thanks to The Maker, and the maker of the purchased goods, and have your better day.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

+he Ghos+


Brought to you by the emoji of the day: ⚖️scales

Archaic Slab