The Transcendent


The Transcendent
Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)


Good morning that wonderful way.

Any last words?

What a thing to ask. A great one-liner for a movie.

As the ability to make language is our greatest gift, a very good question.

It's also presumptuous.

As I'm a ghost, it's also false.

We'll save the ethereal answers for the stories.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

How are you this morning?

Dark and stormy nightlike?

Living in tropes tethered to conventional ropes?

Convention filled minutes of duty driven life?

How we fill our moments of whatever we find ourselves doing is our real life.

I write that how we do a thing is at least as important as what we do.

The more we do something the better we get at it.

This means that the quality of our how's increase, too.

We get better at being our intentional self.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

Deep thoughts again. Rain, post hurricane rain, in the Northeast.

Been a dry summer, but don't tell the trees. There's plenty of leaves to fall.

They did the best they could with what they were given. A great lesson from trees.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

We ought to talk more about The Transcendent.

We had a movement in Our Country nearly two hundred years ago. The Civil War got in the way and stopped it.

The advent of AI brings a call to bring it back.

Transcendentalism, the idea that the best way to understand Spirit is through what we call Nature.

Not hippie stuff, practical observation.

Like I just referred to the trees, they know how to live. All life is a model for how to live life.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

From an ocean's wave, to a river hitting a tributary to make its way into a greater self, the bends and stretches of every branch and stem to take in sunlight, the way clouds morph and muddle through the sky to best send the world the rain, examples on how to deal with our days in spiritual ways are in all of Nature.

Also roadmaps on how to build a Rocketship; how to do anything at all.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

Every rosebush tells a story, every constellation a canto of what the light from dreams looks like and is for.

Every hard drive is a lesson in what the world's magnetic poles attract. Every cellphone screen flashes its light the way the dream of ourselves shows itself in every conversation.

I plan to bring The Dial Magazine back once enough momentum hits this site. Gather some good natured (pun, of course) writers and reignite what was lost in our barbaric attempt to right ancient wrongs.

We'll have to call it The Redial. Some puns are easy layups.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

A great time to be alive with the advances of technology. We must make sure we stay our responsibility to Spirit or we will lose sight of what is most important about ourselves in empty material robotics.

We don't make dreams to serve machines.
We make machines to serve our dreams.

Remember your dream comes first, take care, and have your better day.

Image courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

+he Ghos+

S. Wynn

Brought to you by the emoji of the day: 😹joy_cat