To Fly


Good morning that healthy happy Holy place to start.

Dreams and what dreaming can do.

Laughter and the laughs.

Morning and what just happened within sleep.

Here we find ourselves again at the start.

Another day another way.

The same way a new day.

Light and what the light fills.

What does the light fill?

What everything else fills: Space.

What else is there but space, words that define space and the light that fills that space?

What's space?

What's light?

Those are the first conversations of any respectable paradigm to living.

Science, yes.

Religion, yes.

That we ever drew a line between them is one of humanity's greatest errors.

As a whole, humanity's biggest error is its separation of the scientific from the religious.

The first day of science class nullifies the intelligence of that school.

"We remove 'why.'

The question has no place here."

And the teacher moves on with empty equations set to give us better ways to dress the world, better options to the weather.

Most students, at best, find pleasure in the puzzles.

Some solve new ones.

Some find new questions, new experiences to enumerate.

And leave out marking the wonder of the process of discovery from their lists of what to find shape for.

Why define anything at all?

Why do this work?

What about life dictates the desire to define it?

To help the body last more days?

For the 'survival of the species?'

If we start with why, we have better students.

When there's personal and public reasons for our mathematics, everyone becomes a mathematician.

The best Scientists, especially the geniuses of the industry, have always been highly religious, full of a sense of spirituality.

Not doctrine: Divine.

There's always a great wonder in every great mind, always a great relationship with however they decide to formulate God into their daily affairs.

Einstein wanted to 'know God's thoughts, the rest were," he said, "just details."

In order to want that, he had to have the base understanding that there is a God at all to deserve the wonder.

Not metaphor.

Plausible reality.

One working intelligence in all things.

Something, he of course thought, is running the whole show.

Every genius gets as close to an understanding of that as possible first thing in the morning, every morning, and works their day from there.

Now, we don't all need to sit down to write equations that put some workable formation to concepts to further building spaceships, but we do require some workable understanding if we're to better each day.

Places of worship, old texts, history's lessons, help us to build those workable ways.

The same way science builds on itself, so too does religion.

We stopped allowing a place for growth in our understanding of the religious experience a long time ago, and so we have, as a race, suffered.

Existential crisis and depression are effects, along with so many other disorders of human consciousness.

Something, for so many of us every day, feels like it's missing.

Suicide is the act of the admittance that we forget to include divinity in all our choices.

We confuse religion with prudence and so see it as a hurt rather than a help.

Definitely not a necessity.

This does nothing but strip us of the value life could have.

Because life must have within it some acceptance, and therefore desire for understanding, of what holy means.

We all must have our own particular language for God, for the Spirit, which we can share in comfortable ways.

Divinity doesn't need to find a way into our conversations, it is the reason and the ability to converse at all.

What The Divine requires is a common recognition.

With the major advances in AI, this recognition is dire to the survival of our species.

The way it is supposed to be viewed.

Science is not for an understanding of how the world works.

Science is a means to find how to best use the world, not understand it.

Math only helps math, and math only helps a longer life for our bodies.

Why make more days available at all?

Seems a waste of time to create the ability to make more time for ourselves when we have no common means to why we're doing it.

AI is better at being what so many of us get up in the morning to do.

We do right things for wrong reasons, because we, so many of us, have no reason for doing them other than to eat.

Life is a gift or nothing at all.

The smartest thing to do without a working definition of God and the Divine, is to jump off a bridge without a bungee cord.

Because why bother without a why?

A life without why, is no life at all.

Atheism is for wingless birds.

The purpose of this blog is to help you remember you're built to fly.

S.J. Wynn
+he Ghos+