[Too Many Old Glory & NRA Bumper Stickers]


[Too Many Old Glory & NRA Bumper Stickers]
All images courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

He has:
Too many NRA bumper stickers
Too many Old Glory bumper stickers

In a quilted firearm and flag frame
Pressed without wrinkle around
The rusted rear chassis of his
20-year-old Chevy 2500.

He has:
Too many separate-
Too many pieced

In a quilted firearm
And flag frame around
His new tailgate with
Stenciled perfect letters:

STOP Bullying.

Then below that
Spelled with stickers
Used on front doors
And mailboxes

Capital letters
Executed as

The Birth-day.
The Death-day.

The First-name.
The Last-name.


The Middle of his
12-year-old son.

S.J. Wynn
+he Ghos+