
Or, Why I Went into Exile

[All images courtesy of Ms. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)]

Or Why I Went into Exile

Click for some of the pieces I put on a Medium, and private blog, over three years ago. Forgive the lack of images, I imported it as it was.

Here's a couple examples:

Maybe, Might Be, You Never Know

The Great Chinese General said:

The Art of War is the Art of Deception.

The Great Chinese General … real real old said it… quite beautiful… ancient…tremendous really… really something… he was gracious… old really really… something… just be-you-tee-full… what was it again…

The Art of War is the Art of Deception.


Might be that's an Oxymoron
Like Near-Miss and Civil-War.

You never know.

The Great Great Beautiful Chinese… may have been Mongolian …was a long time ago, very very long way back… was never really decided but a beautiful book Terrific… wasn’t English at first but… A great man great great man wrote it… even though it wasn’t English… Maybe not even Chinese…

The Art of War is the Art of Deception.

Heard it's Novel.
Doesn't that mean new?

Yes, they mean it's New.
Call it another Corona.

Isn't that beer?
A Mexican one?

Yup, they drink it
The other side of the wall.

Corona is a Crown.
Does Mexico have a King?

You never know.

Phone call the next morning.

No, you don't have it.

Back home your cat was at the neighbors.

She just sneezed.

The neighbor always has a treat in hand.

Maybe she always pets the cat.

Might be so do you.

Time for another swab?

You never know.

The Chinese General, maybe Mongolian, he was great though… powerful guy…. great thoughts… great… great… man… loved… he was loved… he wrote it in Chinese… Mongolian … hun… Huns….hun… terrible terrible name… terrible awful killers…just bad... Huns... Ha-uns.

The Art of War is the Art of Deception.

Is that YouTube cat still alive?
The one that made The News?

Yeah, that one.
The viral one.

The Poor Cat.

Might be.
The Lucky Cat.

Only pixels measure
On a monitor.

You never know.

Great Great Great General, A-maze-ing. China? Hun…Ha-Uns. Terrific.. Said some great great things -language- Chinese…Mongolian...not English… Beautiful though… Really terrific… Believe me… Beautiful he said it…-language- not English… A great great General… really terrific…Believe me…

The Art of War is the Art of Deception

Used to be Science knew what to do.
Used to be Medicine knew, too.

Used to be mask free
Used to be you and me

Used to be word of mouth
Wasn't self-masked

In a:

Might be
You never know


A great man… great great man… a President too… said… and you know it… it’s famous… real real famous… well-known… be-you-too-full… a great quote… the best… truth…so true…the truest…he said it…

The only thing we have to fear is... here.

A Nation that Advertises Medicine is Always Sick

Merge! Media bites not words!

There was a time we used to know.
Science knew. Medicine knew. We knew.

Our kids knew.
First day of class after snack:

Form a line at the sink. Make the water as hot as you can stand. Wash your hands like this. Dry. Then, back to your seat.

We knew this.
We don’t think we do anymore.

Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze. Use the inside of your elbow.

We knew this.
Now we’re unsure.

But Science isn’t. Medicine isn’t.
Nothing changed.

We don’t want to hear it. It means we’re vulnerable.
But nothing changed.

Remember The Bird Flu? H1N1?

We don’t want to see them.
We tell ourselves that’s not the whole picture.

So what else is in the picture?

No. The question is not what else is in the picture.
The picture is the same.

The question we need to ask is:

Who is holding the camera? And why do they want it to look that way?

Who took out Science?
Who put it in the backseat?
Who took out our faith in our neighbors to look after one another?
Where did the fear we can’t trust each other enough to remain clean come from?

This sounds like belittlement. But please, step away from the narrative in your head, the one the cameras feed.

Really, remember what Reason said.
And says.

What Science said.
And says.

What your Doctor said.
And says.

We don’t wear masks to take care of each other.
We wear masks because we fear each other.

I will write that again.

We don’t wear masks to take care of each other.
We wear masks because we fear each other.

What we might carry.
What we may do to each other.
We must be on the lookout for each other.
And now we must look out for each other.

It seems impossible not to be upset by this rationale.
It seems impossible to take it with the same rationale that’s pulled us through so many situations of this same level of illness.

That seemingly impossible wall to hurdle in front of us now is called:

You Never Know.

That old-fashioned thing called doubt.

Science says:

A healthy amount of skepticism.

Did that ever bother anyone?
Why not just say:

Science requires skepticism.

Welcome to The Age of Unhealthy Skepticism.

We can’t go back and stay at work.
We can’t go back and take off the masks.
Maybe we could’ve stayed at work.
Might be we didn’t need masks.
Was it blown out of proportion?
Should we have done more?

You never know.

There’s that wall:

Even if you’re fired up passionate that we did the right thing, there is a part that doesn’t know if the information provided to do that right thing was the right information.

I trust Science.
I trust Medicine.
I do not trust our current narrative on what COVID-19 actually is.

But Science says it’s this. Doctors say it’s that.

Depending on which Scientist you talk to.
Depending on which Doctor.

It’s our narrative.
We have to get on the same page with this.

As far back as I can remember there’s been something called “The Healthcare Crisis.”

It never was about medicine.
No one knows that truth better than doctors, nurses and hospital staff.

But what we have now is a true Healthcare Crisis. And due to our reaction to unsubstantiated information, what we used to call a A Crisis of Health, is exposed on the emergency room operating table for immediate exploratory surgery.

There will never be a better time to discuss Healthcare Reform. Because now we will finally talk about Health when we do.

Imagine a country where the only type of salesperson in a hospital is the one with a broken leg, or in recovery from a heart surgery, or an annual physical.

That a doctor has to ask a salesperson what his options are to treat a patient is unconscionable and we all should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing it.

Grandma has an 80% chance for another good 5-10 years if she has this procedure.
And a 50% chance at a decent couple of years with another.

Grandma can have the extra 8 years if she can afford it.
30% better chance at 10 more years of Grandma.

Decided by a salesman.

Insurance won’t cover it.

That means:

The salespeople won’t pay for it.

Any other way to read that is a sales pitch.

We’ll wear masks for each other, can’t we give another couple cents out of our paychecks each week to give our doctors the freedom to serve the best interests of our loved ones?

Actually, don’t worry about your paycheck.

Take a look at your stubs and put the amount insurance takes out every week into your bank account.

Now, can you afford a couple of dollars of that for National Healthcare?

That is the reality of what is proposed. That paycheck. That’s a raise for most of us.

A big one if you’re a family.
A really big raise for the Middle Class.

Insurance is a face mask not an HMO.
A Nation that advertises medicine is always sick.

S.J. Wynn

S.J. Wynn