[You Are a Someone]


[You Are a Someone]
All images courtesy of MS. Copilot and +he Ghos+ (2024)

When the dream of who you want to be seems too big…
And the bar stretches too high for you to see.

Remember this:
If you dream to win a gold medal,
Every gold medal is won by Someone.
You are a Someone.
Why not you?

If you dream of an All-Star jersey to play on the team,
Many different Someones play on an All-Star team.
You are a Someone.
Why not you?

If you dream to lead a nation,
Every nation is led by Someone.
You are a Someone.
Why not you?

If you dream to soar through a Supernova and see the stars behind The Sun…
Someone made every impossible possible.
You are a Someone.
So why not you?

S.J. Wynn
+he Ghos+